Commercial Marijuana Trimming Terms
Learn the technical terms behind machine trimming, bucking, and sorting your marijuana plant. From airflow to output chute to wet trimming, we cover the industry terms cultivators have come to know.
An ATP test is a process of rapidly measuring actively growing microorganisms through the detection of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. In the cannabis industry, it is commonly used to measure equipment sanitation.
The tumbler on the Mobius Trimmer M108S is referred to as an AirThread Tension Tumbler because it is constructed of aircraft-grade cable, (rather than the traditional perforated-metal tumblers), and because the cylindrical shape of the tumbler is held in place by air pressure.
Read more about the AirThread Tension Tumbler.
One of the two dominant marijuana trimming machine styles. Batch-style trimmers have a specific amount of product put into the machine, and the machine trims without any product entering or exiting for a certain amount of time. It trims cannabis product in "batches" while a throughput-style trimmer trims product continuously, moving it through the machine. Batch-style trimmers are currently only designed for trimming dry material.
The bed knife is the stationary portion of the two cutting edges in an automated trimmer.
The cutting edges of the trimming components in a commercial cannabis trimmer. The Mobius Trimmer M108 uses the patented Triflex Blade System, incorporating 3 custom-designed rotating helical blades and 3 flexible bed knives within one machine.
The speed at which the blades rotate in a cannabis trimming machine.
Removing the cannabis flower from the stem of the plant. When wet trimming, the stem is cut off as close to the flower as possible. When dry trimming, about 12 to 16 inches of stem is left intact to be used for hanging during the curing pro
One of the many chemical compounds found in cannabis. It does not produce the "high" associated with cannabis. CBD is one of the compounds from the cannabis plant currently being used to treat a variety of illnesses, including epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. It is in pre-clinical trials and research for the treatment of many other conditions. Both the THC and CBD content are listed on most cannabis products.
An apparatus made up of a wheel and mounting plate secured to the bottom of an item to facilitate easy movement. All Mobius machines sit on 4 locking casters allowing equipment to be rolled into place and then locked to prevent movement while in use.
A set of rotating blades that increase the speed at which air passes through the machine, creating a vacuum that helps pull leaves through the tumbler wall to make contact with the blades below.
The process of removing unwanted physical substances from an object or environment. Cannabis trimming machines are generally cleaned at least after every usage session, often much more frequently. Also see ‘ Tumbler & Brush Washer ‘
The top portion or flower cluster of a cannabis plant. The cola usually refers to the largest cluster of flowers, although some plants can have multiple colas. See also: ‘Flower’
The presence of an unwanted constituent, contaminant or impurity in a substance or environment. When using cannabis trimming machines, contamination concerns can come from: mold; paint, oil or metal flaking off the machine into the product; cleaning agents; or even cross-contamination between strains.
An automated method for moving cannabis plants from one processing stage to another. In a commercial harvesting environment, conveyors are often placed at the outfeed of a Bucker to bring material to a Trimmer, and in front of the Trimmer to enable consistent loading. They can also be placed at the outfeed side of a Trimmer to facilitate for quality control inspection. Conveyors are also available for feeding the trimmed cannabis from the outfeed of the trimmer into an automated bud sorter.
Corrosion resistance refers to how well a substance, particularly a metal, can withstand damage caused by oxidation or other chemical reactions. Besides intrinsic corrosion resistance, a metal’s resistance to corrosion can be increased by applying different methods such as coating, painting and applying a corrosion inhibitor. There are no materials that are resistant to all corrosion in all environments.
A person who plants, tends to, harvests, or improves (plants) by labor and skill.
Curing is an extended drying process that comes after the initial drying phase in cannabis harvesting. During curing, moisture is systematically and slowly removed in order to enhance a flower’s smell, flavor, and potency.
The rotating edge that is one of the two cutting surfaces in an automated, throughput-style cannabis trimmer. Also see: ‘Reel‘
The cut length of a marijuana trimming machine is the total length of the cutting edges. For example, the Mobius Trimmer M108S has 3 blade cartridges (helical blade and bed knife pairs) that are each 36” long. The total cut length is 108” (36” x 3 blade cartridges). See also: ‘Triflex Blade System’
Commonly used but ineffective measurement for marijuana trimming machine efficiency. In a trimming machine with a perforated sheet metal tumbler, this measurement is usually taken every time the two cutting edges (bedknife and reel) make contact under a slot in the tumbler. This does not indicate whether a cut on a leaf is actually made. It has no relevance or connection to machine performance and is considered a false measurement created by marketers.
Similar to a tandem marijuana trimming machine setup, except using 3 or more machines placed front to back. See also‘ Tandem Trimming ‘
The process of separating a machine or structure into its different parts. Mobius machines are constructed to have tool-free disassembly for ease and fast cleaning.
A harvesting process in which the untrimmed buds are dried before being trimmed, either by hand or by machine. See also ' Trim'
The weight of the trimmed bud - after it has been dried - measured in either kilograms or pounds.
The fan uses air suction to pick up material. With throughput-style trimmers, the vacuum utilizes the centrifugal fan in the body to pull the flowers closer to the blades and collect the trimmed material in a receptacle. The fan is enclosed within its own housing so everything is kept clean and separate. See 'Vacuum'
Measures the weight of the raw materials being put into the machine, in either a wet or dry workflow.
Also called ‘baghouses’, these fabric filters are used to separate dust, dirt, and plant particles from the air, retaining the particulate matter and allowing the clean air to escape. The Mobius Trimmer M108S makes use of a filter system to clean the air as it passes from the AirThread Tension Tumbler to the Trim Tote and becomes laden with small cannabis particulate.
A set of rules and procedures related to the handling, cleaning, quality assurance, and packaging processes in manufacturing facilities and the products they make. Many countries, including Canada, the United States, Australia, and the European Union have legislated that food and pharmaceutical manufacturers follow GMP procedures to ensure that a food or drug product is safe for human consumption.
A harvesting process and cannabis bud trimming method where the small leaves covering the flowers are removed by hand with scissors. Partly for aesthetic reasons, the trimmer can decide how much to remove and how 'clean' they want the bud to be. The trim (removed leaf material) can be used for additional preparations such as extracts and oils. See also ‘trim'.
One of the two cutting edges in each of the three blade cartridges in a Mobius Trimmer M108S is the edge of a helical blade. The bed knife flexes against the helical blade as it rotates on a horizontal axis. See also ‘TriFlex Blade System’.
Also called an input chute or shroud, the hopper sits directly in front of the opening of the tumbler to assist in loading, as well as restrict hand access to the tumbler.
Changing out specific dirty components for clean components mid-trim session, without having to stop to clean the entire machine. Specifically, referring to components that are susceptible to resin build-up, like the bed knives, AirThread Tension Tumbler, and helical blades. A hot swap on the M108S can be done in less than five minutes, and a hot swap kit comes with the tools you need to do the swap. Ex: The LP had a 10-hour trim session but did a hot-swap at 5 hours to extend the time between cleaning.
Part of the Centrifugal fan system.
This component is in front of the opening of the tumbler to assist in loading, as well as restrict hand access to the tumbler. See also ‘Hopper‘
The Mobius Trimmer M108S has an Integrated Separator, meaning it is contained within the body of the machine and is a hose-less design. All other throughput trimmers use an external separator connected via a plastic hose.
Kief refers to the trichomes of cannabis that may accumulate in containers or be sifted from loose, dry cannabis flower with a mesh screen or sieve. Kief contains a much higher concentration of psychoactive cannabinoids, such as THC, than that of the cannabis flowers from which it is derived.
The output weight, in kilos or kilograms, generated in one hour. Note, this measure can be further specified as wet weight or dry weight. I.E. “When trimming wet, the output weight of the Mobius is up to 90 kilograms per hour. That equates to approximately 18 kilograms per hour of dried material.”
The top portion or flower cluster of a cannabis plant. See also ' Flower '
In Canada, cannabis cultivators that have been federally licensed are referred to as LPs or Licensed Producers.
The process of grinding cannabis to a consistent size to be used in preparations such as extracts, pre-rolls, and fresh frozen. The M210 Mill is a machine that perfectly grinds cannabis.
The percentage of moisture contained within the cannabis flower. The term is usually used during the drying or curing phase. A cultivator will be routinely checking the moisture content of the flowers to determine if they are ready to move from drying to curing, or from curing to packaging.
Non-reactive materials are substances that will not interact with, or breakdown when exposed to, another substance. For example, cast iron and copper are often used for cookware because of how evenly and effectively they conduct heat, but if used to cook with acidic ingredients (i.e. tomatoes or lemon juice), the food will pick up chemical elements from the reactive cookware. Non-reactive materials, such as stainless steel, do not react or interfere with the chemical structure of the input substance, (including cannabis).
The piece on the machine which sits at the exit of the tumbler and directs the output flow of plant materials, usually toward a plastic catch container. See also: ‘Hopper’
A parts washer is a piece of equipment used to remove contaminants or debris from workpieces. This is distinctly different from pressure washing in that a parts washer typically cleans parts automatically in an enclosed cabinet, while a pressure washer typically has a single spray jet mounted at the end of a manually operated wand. In the case of the M108S, a parts washer could be used to clean all of the removable parts of the machine.
The output weight, in pounds, generated in one hour. Note: this measurement can be further specified as wet weight or dry weight. I.E. “When trimming wet, the output weight of the Mobius is up to 200 pounds per hour. That equates to approximately 40 pounds per hour of dried material.”
Also called a reel blade, or cut head, the reel is the rotating edge that is one of the two cutting edges (the other is the bed knife) in an automated, throughput-style marijuana trimming machine. It is called a reel because of its original use in old, reel-style lawnmowers. The Mobius Trimmer M108S does not use a reel, but a trio of smaller diameter “helical blades.” See also: ‘TriFlex Blade System’.
Resin is the sticky byproduct of the cannabis plant produced in various areas but heavily concentrated in the trichomes on the cannabis flower. Cannabinoids (CBD & THC) and terpenes are contained in the resin.
The M108S Trimmer has an Integrated Separator. It is contained within the body of the machine and features a hose-less design. All other throughput trimmers use an external separator connected via a plastic hose. See also ‘Integrated Separation System"
Shake refers to small pieces of the cannabis flower that break off due to handling, and are oftentimes used for the preparation of pre-rolls and edibles.
The term shroud may refer to the hopper or output chute (together they are often referred to as shrouds).
A series of step-by-step instructions designed by a company or organization to explain complex operations in order to achieve efficient output and consistent performance by employees while ensuring methods adhere to standard industry regulations.
A cannabis bud sorter is a machine used to automatically sort and categorize cannabis flower according to bud size. This is beneficial for weighing, packaging, and sorting bud for variuos uses and prepartations.
A marijuana trimming process in which two machines are placed front-to-back to improve volume without increasing labor costs.
Terpenes are fragrant organic compounds that give cannabis its aromatic diversity. These oils are secreted from the flower’s trichomes (the same way that cannabinoids are secreted). Terpenes are not unique to cannabis; they can be found in many other plants, herbs, and fruits.
Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is one of many compounds found in the resin secreted by glands (trichomes) of the cannabis plant. It is the chemical responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis.
A marijuana trimming machine in which marijuana buds are continuously moved through the machine, compared to a batch-style trimmer. This style of trimmer was developed in 1997 by Ryan Hall. Throughput-style trimmers can trim wet or dry and are the most common type of trimmer seen in commercial cannabis cultivation. See also: ‘Batch-style Trimmer’
The trichomes on a cannabis plant are the tiny, bulbous glands that form on the leaves and buds, typically appearing around the flowering phase of plant growth. This is where the bulk of the THC and other cannabinoids are found
The cutting system in the Mobius Trimmer M108S. The “tri” represents the three helical blades (compared to traditional trimmers that have only one). The “flex” is a representation of the flexible bed knives, which “walk” along the helical blades, imitating the actions of scissors, or shears.
The trim can refer to the larger leaves which are removed from the stem of the plant before bucking, as well as the smaller, unwanted leaves around the bud which are removed to expose the flower. While not as valuable as the trimmed flower, trimmed leaf material is usually covered in trichomes and has value for use in edibles, oils, etc.
Trim quality usually refers to the closeness or shagginess of the trimmed flower and varies from machine to machine. A high trim quality typically indicates a very close trim on the flower, while a low trim quality indicates a shaggier, looser trim on the flower. Alternatively, the term ‘trim quality’ could be used to describe the condition of the plant material (leaves) that have been trimmed off the buds. If it has been sliced cleanly, as if by scissors, this would be a high trim quality. If it has been torn apart or smooshed this would be a low trim quality.
Exclusive to the Mobius M108S Trimmer, this removable tote acts as a receptacle for small leaves and matter trimmed from the cannabis flower as it is processed through the AirThread Tension Tumbler.
In a throughput-style trimmer, the tumbler is the cylindrical shaped tube that the flowers pass through to get trimmed. The Mobius Trimmer M108S uses the AirThread Tension Tumbler that is desinged with aircraft-grade cable, instead of the traditional perforated-metal tumblers. See also 'AirThread Tension Tumbler.'
A long, cylindrical brush housed in the lid assembly of the throughput-style trimmers adjacent to the tumbler. As the tumbler rotates, the tumbler brush ensures that plant material is not caught in the tumbler walls.
A self-contained machine designed to fully clean the tumbler and brush on the M108S Trimmer in just 5 minutes.
Describes how quickly a tumbler in a commercial cannabis trimming machine rotates.
Throughput-style marijuana trimming machines that feature a tumbler are often tilted or raised higher on the input end, and flower comes out lower on the output end.. This is to speed up the flowers moving through the tumbler. The degree to which the input end of the machine is raised is referred to as the tumbler tilt or tumbler angle. The Mobius Trimmer M108S allows the user to control the angle of the AirThread Tension Tumbler electronically while it’s operating.
A device that uses air suction to pick up material from surfaces. In the case of all throughput-style trimmers, the vacuum utilizes the centrifugal fan in the body to pull the flowers closer to the blades and collect the trimmed material in a receptacle, such as the Trim Tote on the M108S.
The amount of power or suction of the vacuum component used to pull the flower closer to the blades.
The Variable Function System is a feature on the Mobius Trimmer M108S that allows users to adjust the vacuum flow rate, blade speed, tumbler speed, and machine tilt. These controls are all found on a unified panel at the front of the machine. The dials on the VFS go from 0 to 11, a nod to cult classic film This Is Spinal Tap.
A marijuana trimming process in which the flower is trimmed immediately after being harvested from the live plant, then dried after being trimmed.
The weight of the product after it has been trimmed but before it has been dried, (in a wet trimming process).