GMP: Not just for quality assurance anymore… It’s MARKETING


    Picture this: You’re at an industry networking event and the conversation turns to the topic of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices). Depending on how much exposure you’ve had to the subject, you will likely have one of the following two reactions:

    1. This is going to be the dullest party I’ve ever been to, or;
    2. They’re talking about GMP as it relates to product consistency and safety.

     Those might be reasonable reactions, but there’s a third option – a trend that seems to be emerging: GMP as a MARKETING TACTIC. Of course, no company would seek GMP certification just for a marketing win, but if certification was already in the pipeline, it makes sense to leverage that into PR and content as well.

     By becoming GMP certified, you’re telling investors, regulators, and consumers:

    1. My products are made in an environment that ensures they are safe and clean.
    2. My products are consistent. From one batch to the next, they’re manufactured according to strict standards.
    3. My company is staying ahead of regulations – going above and beyond.
    4. My company is a legitimate business run according to best-in-class standards. We are to be taken seriously.

    Making an announcement in a blog or press release for shareholder consumption reaches your investor base, but consider going beyond that and engaging your end-users too.  

    • Add a GMP seal to your product packaging and website.
    • Announce your GMP certification to your customers (social media, e-mails, etc). If this creates an opportunity to educate them on what GMP is, even better.
    • Show your customers and investors what a GMP-certified environment looks like. Think video, before-and-after style.

    Being able to include GMP as part of your brand messaging is just one more benefit of seeking this level of certification, but a valuable one, so don’t forget it! If you’re interested in starting down the path towards GMP but not ready to commit to full certification, consider reading our blog post 4 Things You Can Do to Jump-Start GMP in your Commercial Cannabis Facility.


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