Operating the MBX Bucker

Operating the MBX Bucker

Bucking your Cannabis

How to start up and operate the Mobius MBX Bucker.


Step by Step



To get started, position the MBX in your work area, lock the casters and check that the front die plate and rear guard window are secured in place.



Plug the machine into a circuit that provides a full 15 amps of service.



Place a tote under the front of the machine to collect the flowers and leaves and a second tote under the back of the machine to collect the chipped stalks.


commercial bucking machine

If the e-stop is engaged, release it and press the START button to fire up the chipper.

You should hear a ticking sound caused by the rotating chipper block making contact with the stationary block. This is a GOOD thing as it indicates that your chipper is properly adjusted. If you don’t hear this ticking sound on start-up, it might be time to adjust the alignment on the chipper.

Note: The ticking noise often diminishes or disappears completely during a run as the blocks warm up and become lubricated with resin from the stalks.



Press the forward button to start the rolls and rotate the speed dial to your desired setting.

For wet bucking this will likely be at or near the max speed of 11. If you are dry bucking, you will likely use a lower speed to pull the stalks through more gently.


commercial bucker

Begin feeding the bottom end of your stalks into the holes in the die plate, trying to match the stalk with the smallest diameter hole that it will fit into.

Note: When you are preparing your stalks for bucking, you want to have the bottom 6 inches of the stalk clear to feed through the die plate and be caught by the rolls behind.

Additional MBX Instructions

MBX Bucker Uncrating
Changing the MBX Bucker Wheels
Aligning the MBX Chipper
Cleaning your Mobius MBX Bucker
Changing The MBX Bucker Rolls
Operating the MBX Bucker